
Pathways Learning Experience

As the core Toastmaster educational program, Pathways are designed to help Toastmaster members become strong leaders and speakers. Take a quiz to identify a Pathway that aligns with your personal goals or learn more about each individual Pathway here.

Upon joining the club each new member is encouraged to elect  their preferred pathway as soon as they are ready. If you need help at any stage our VP of Education is there for you!

WIP Toastmaster Member Pathways

Curious about what Pathway our members choose? Want to connect with other members participating in the same Pathway? Current member Pathways are:

Dynamic Leadership

A. Lawson

Innovative Planning

S. Doctor (Complete!)

Leadership Development

R. Channakeshava

Persuasive Influence

S. Patro

E. Beasley

Presentation Mastery

S. Bezinyan

J. Ginsberg

A. Kandikonda

M. Ousley

T. Chang

Visionary Communication

L. Edwards

S. Gagnon

R. Hernandez

T. Sudolnik

E. Tamburo

K. Patel

Team Collaboration

A. Kirkland

Strategic Relationships

Effective Coaching

Engaging Humor

Motivational Strategies